“Strategy was first used in Athens (508 BC) to describe the art of leadership used by the ten generals on the war council. Some argue for the more creative, human side, while others argue for the more analytic side of strategy.”
Max McKeown, The Strategy Book

The word optimization has become a dominant term in today’s world of advertising. Advertising is not just about creativity anymore. Modern marketers have to utilize both their creative and analytical skills to survive. With the wide range of measurement tools that are out there to analyze just about any aspect of digital marketing, one cannot afford to shoot in the dark. I recently came across an interesting info graphic that has been done by salesforce.com and I believe it gives a great summary of what one needs to survive in marketing today:

The new marketer

The new marketer

I also found a great video that was quite eye opening about the evolution of marketing from analogue through to recent digital techniques.

I do wonder what the next step in the marketing revolution would be…


Infographic: Salesperson.com

Video: MediativeVideo